Thursday, June 17, 2010


I use a Flip HD video camera when I film my hive inspections. The quality of the video is awesome and the software has an easy way of taking stills from the video. Here are a few from the last hive inspection.

In this image, the bees are in the process of making comb and you can see it isn't drawn all the way to the bottom or sides of the frame. You can also see some uncapped honey glistening in the cells.

The bees are getting close to filling this frame with honey. The sections on the top are capped and I imagine that the rest of the frame will also be capped by the next inspection. Once the frame is all capped, it can be harvested!

This frame has a lot of honey in it, but also has some capped brood in the lower center. I'm surprised that the bees are filling so much of the area with honey if the queen is also laying in the frame.


  1. These are great shots. Is the brood worker brood or drone brood from what you can see?

    I can't wait to meet the bees in person on Saturday!

  2. Looks like worker brood to me. The drone brood has elevated cappings that look like a bullet sticking out of the cell.
