Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Can you hear me now?

New research suggests that radiation from cell phones could be a cause of colony collapse disorder. Scientists in India have attached cell phones to hives and observed that the colony reduced in size. So far, I have not been able to look at the study to see for myself whether it was well designed and whether their conclusions may be due to chance. But for now, I'll leave my phone behind when I visit my bees.

Here is a video from CNN about the finding:


  1. This was so interesting.....I have definitely noticed a reduction in bees in my yard this summer...just now I am beginning to see a few more, but I have been concerned at not seeing them like I usually do. It would seem to make a lot of sense that their "radar" is being thrown off. Hmmmmmm!!!

  2. If it is true, at least it could be solved by changing the cell phone frequency. Although we'd probably just create new problems! Brave new world...

  3. Yes, and who knows what else we are damaging with all of our toys......(and I would not want to be without my cell phone!!) Quite a dilemma....
